Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Michael’s Reflective Paper Essay Example for Free
Michael’s Reflective Paper Essay * Who am I? What life experiences made me who I am today? Was it my family, my social environment where I went to school, the groups, or organizations that I belonged to, or was it certain life events that shaped me? * This paper is my attempt to show that my family and social environment, my life experiences from childhood to present influenced me to be the person that I am today and who I will be in the future. As I reflect upon my life, at the age of forty-nine, I have come to the conclusion that my family and social environment when growing up, surviving cancer in my twenties, and getting married in my thirties are the main social influences and life events that have shaped who I am today and who I want to become in the future. Every one of these experiences has given me something: learning to be independent from family attitudes; dealing with the state of uncertainty, which comes with the disease; responsibility of marriage; and the importance to find the field of expertise for effective work. All these insights can be described as building effective relationships with people and developing self-understanding on different levels. * To understand my family life, and why I feel that their negative attitudes to me shaped me to be a better person, I first have to give you some background on my family and me. The background of my family clarifies how important for me was to be independent from this alienating environment. My mother died when I was only a year old and my father raised my older brother Kevin and me by himself until he met my stepmother. My father remarried and had my two stepbrothers William and Robert. My father was a strict disciplinarian, racist, drank a lot, and worked as a machinist at a refinery plant. My stepmother was a homemaker as my father did not approve of her working and felt that she needed to be at home taking care of the children. My stepmother came from an orphanage, had polio in her left hand. She was also an alcoholic, meaning that she was nasty when drunk; in addition, she was a chain smoker. Kevin was the oldest son one and a half years older than me (and my father’s favorite one), I was the middle child, William was five years younger than me and was diagnosed at an early age as having severe attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD); Robert was the youngest. Witt and Mossler (2010) quote the longitudinal research study which has shown that the attitudes of parents towards children rather than the practices of raising children shape our personality in adulthood (Ch. 1, p. 11). It is evident that lack of my father’s attention has influenced me a lot, stimulating me to attract my parents’ attention, for better or for worse. The authors also stress on the importance of the environment of growing up, both social and physical (Witt Mossler, 2010, Ch. 1, p. 13). We lived in a relatively low middle class white community in Beaumont, Texas next door to my father’s brother and his family. The area where we lived in was close to the outskirts of Beaumont and was nestled back in the woods, so the woods were our playground. This could create the feeling of abandonment, but it was also empowering somehow, as I learned by these circumstances to rely on myself. Palkovitz, Marks, Appleby, and Holmes (2002) treat the relationship between parents and children as a complex unit consisting of father factors, co parental factors, mother factors, child factors, and contextual factors (p. 8). It is evident that in my family, there was disintegration in a sense on all levels. It was interesting to discover that, according to the study by Palkovitz, Marks, Appleby, and Holmes (2002), my father’s attitude was shaped by his experience in romantic relationships and then projected upon children (p. 8). I had to develop independence from this painful emotional context. My relationship with my father caused me to be non-racist, disciplined, and extroverted, as my father was a strict disciplinarian, controlling, and racist man. He gave all his attention to my older brother and ignored me unless I did something that angered him. His treatment of me caused me to crave his attention and to seek to please him until I reached my teenage years and decided that I did not want to be like my father. I rebelled against his control upon me. He tried to control what I did after school, how I wore my hair, how I thought, and what I wanted to be when I graduated high school. I was deeply afraid of him when I was a child, and only when I became a young adult did I see that what he was doing to me was wrong. I started standing up for myself. I started seeking attention outside my family and I got a job after school so that I started earning my own money. That allowed me to purchase my own clothes, get my haircut how I wanted, and purchase my first car that gave me the freedom to escape from my dysfunctional family on a daily basis. My first car and earning my own money gave me the ability to distance myself from my family. However, later circumstances of my life taught me that people can also be supporting and self-reliance is not enough. When I was in my early twenties working and going to college, I developed Hodgkin’s disease that has also changed my personality. Hodgkin’s is a form of cancer that affects the lymphatic system. Like other forms of cancer, it is believed to cause the feelings of uncertainty, lack of control, anxiety, isolation, discomfort, and – last but not least – re-definition of goals and roles (Halldorsdottir Hamrin, 1996, p. 34). On one hand, one feels that he has to re-define his place in the society; on another hand, people care about those with the disease more and help more (at least they are supposed to do so). I experienced how it was not to have the control upon my life, but also how it was to be cared for by others. Anyway, when one is ill and so evidently dependent upon the society, the natural question comes: â€Å"Did I do anything wrong? And what was it? †Often cancer is associated with suppressed anger and a desire to please other (or at least attract attention) (Broderick, 1996, p. 14), and this really could be my case. I must admit that this understanding came along with serious heart problems. Still, illness did not prevent me from shouldering responsibility in work and family life, as well as from the joys of both. I met my wife during my thirties when I was changing my careers from being a technician to a salesperson. Interestingly, psychologists nowadays view professional development of an individual as an ongoing process (not limited to certain age group), the first stage of which is exploration (Smart Peterson, 1997, p. 59). So, I was engaged in a kind of â€Å"double exploration†, searching for new ways in professional life as well as personal, consciously or not. In addition, like a career, marriage is a serious responsibility that implies both joyful outcomes and stress together with work on oneself. This personal responsibility has changed me a lot, teaching how to meet the needs of another person with whom I have been living day by day for a long time. I find the recommendations given by Witt and Mossler (2010, Ch. 3, p. 37) helpful, though challenging sometimes. People are happy in marriage when they support each other materially and emotionally, not forgetting to be positive, share feelings, thank each other, express affection, and do certain tasks together. In prolonged perspective, my family life and work taught me how to be productive and understanding in relationships with people and how to maintain stability in the changing world around and in the situations when inner conflicts arise. That is why in my future, I want to pass on the knowledge that my occupation as a sales manager has given to me. Perhaps I will start organizing some training sessions. This may also help to deepen my competence in the field of sales and on the level of personal communication, as people may share their valuable experience with me on the trainings. As I reflect upon my life now, from quite a distance, I have concluded that several events were the strongest in making me the person I am at present. They were my family and social environment in childhood, surviving cancer in my twenties, and getting married in my thirties. My family life stimulated me to earn living independently, cancer survival was essential in understanding my own potential and the ability to help of the people around, and marriage has given me the notion of responsibility. The dark years and events turn out to be ambivalent in the sense that they have given me certain experience and understanding of myself. Those main social influences and life events that I described in this paper have shaped my present personality and my thoughts about the future.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Theme of Friendship in Julius Caeser :: Julius Caesar Essays
The Theme of Friendship in Julius Caeser Throughout, William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, the theme of friendship would prove to be a very delicate and manipulative element. This element would be the very entity that would seal Julius Caesar's fate. Brutus, Decius, and all the other conspirators would use this to their power, and to Julius's weakness. Friendship was used as a cover to blind Julius from the truth, from the plots against him. Flattery along with manipulation was used as a way of persuasion to soothe any feelings of doubt or weariness. These essentials would gain trust, the key to all friendships. This trust would be lost and transform into betrayal. Even though Caesar was plotted against and murdered by the likes of Brutus and Cassius, friendship still proved a strong theme because it would cloke the conspirators intentions. Julius was vulnerable to the power of friendship and was blinded by the shrewd ways of Decius, Brutus, and all the other conspirators. Decius uses flattery and persuasion to form a strong union with Caesar. Decius is an active member of the Conspirators, so he is very motivated into getting Caesar to go to the Senate House. The first thing that Decius says when he walks into Caesar's house is "Caesar, all hail! Good morrow, worthy Caesar." Decius would also refer to Caesar as "most mighty". This would only make Caesar grow comfortable with Decius. Julius had lost all feelings of doubt and did not presume any caste of dire plot against him. Decius would deceive Julius into thinking that they had a resilient friendship by using his devious words. Caesar was not able to foresee his true faithful friends, such as Antony. He would grieve the killing of Julius and try to justify his murder by killing Brutus and Cassius. Antony was one of Julius's true and trustworthy friends. The conspirators had planned the death of Julius. Brutus and Cassius, along with Decius, knew they had draw in to Caesar close. Proving Caesar that they had a firm friendship, that would solidify their situation and leave Julius completely sightless to his doomed fate. Caesar's wife Calphurnia would have a dream. She would see Caesar's statue run with blood and men with swords surrounding him. The Theme of Friendship in Julius Caeser :: Julius Caesar Essays The Theme of Friendship in Julius Caeser Throughout, William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, the theme of friendship would prove to be a very delicate and manipulative element. This element would be the very entity that would seal Julius Caesar's fate. Brutus, Decius, and all the other conspirators would use this to their power, and to Julius's weakness. Friendship was used as a cover to blind Julius from the truth, from the plots against him. Flattery along with manipulation was used as a way of persuasion to soothe any feelings of doubt or weariness. These essentials would gain trust, the key to all friendships. This trust would be lost and transform into betrayal. Even though Caesar was plotted against and murdered by the likes of Brutus and Cassius, friendship still proved a strong theme because it would cloke the conspirators intentions. Julius was vulnerable to the power of friendship and was blinded by the shrewd ways of Decius, Brutus, and all the other conspirators. Decius uses flattery and persuasion to form a strong union with Caesar. Decius is an active member of the Conspirators, so he is very motivated into getting Caesar to go to the Senate House. The first thing that Decius says when he walks into Caesar's house is "Caesar, all hail! Good morrow, worthy Caesar." Decius would also refer to Caesar as "most mighty". This would only make Caesar grow comfortable with Decius. Julius had lost all feelings of doubt and did not presume any caste of dire plot against him. Decius would deceive Julius into thinking that they had a resilient friendship by using his devious words. Caesar was not able to foresee his true faithful friends, such as Antony. He would grieve the killing of Julius and try to justify his murder by killing Brutus and Cassius. Antony was one of Julius's true and trustworthy friends. The conspirators had planned the death of Julius. Brutus and Cassius, along with Decius, knew they had draw in to Caesar close. Proving Caesar that they had a firm friendship, that would solidify their situation and leave Julius completely sightless to his doomed fate. Caesar's wife Calphurnia would have a dream. She would see Caesar's statue run with blood and men with swords surrounding him.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Computers in Healthcare Essay
In all aspects of lifeâ€â€home, work, sociallyâ€â€a basic understanding of computer operation is by and large a necessity. Even the medical field has become dependent on computers, both to record vital patient information, but also for billing, researching maladies, and prescribing medicines. This report takes a look at how and why health care professionals use computers, where computers are used in the health care system, and how all this new technology is affecting the medical field for both the patient and provider. Health Care Professionals use computers because they boost productivity. Health care staff, for instance, can more easily keep and access medical records. Specific computer programs also allow physicians to analyze patient data both statistically and mathematically, which leads to the creation of multimedia patient records. A multimedia file is an image, text file, a video clip or audio file–anything that can be displayed or played on computer monitors or speakers. An example, a cardiologist can use a computer to scan a patient’s EKG strip, and then attach that image to the patient’s permanent record for future reference (Spekowius and Wendler 38-39). The ability to store patient data on a computer hard drive reduces paperwork, and the number of staff members needed to maintain that paperwork. Having a patient’s file just a few computer clicks away also cuts down on the time it takes a physician to locate the necessary information. Beyond simplifying office paperwork, computers also open lines of communication between the patient and physician. Physicians who engage in emailing can easier answer patient questions, and cut down on phone calls. Computers are used throughout the Health Care System. Clerical staff relies on computers for reports, memos, patient records, billing, statistics, insurance claims, as well as charting and researching graphics. Nursing stations depend on computers for reports, patient records, along with hospital information systems. And computers are critical in the operation of patient monitors, medication delivery systems and lab equipment (Spekowius and Wendler 76). Also, in medical education, computers are essential for Computer Aided Instruction, Computer Managed Instruction, and Interactive Multi-media systems (Forman and Pomerantz). Beyond all of these uses, the computer has become increasingly necessary for diagnosis, research, publication retrieval (National Library of Medicine), and automated patient interview and history. Computers have become increasingly vital to Pharmacies. With the use of computers, pharmacists can fill prescriptions, control the dispensing, and talk with the patients through a video hookup. People living in remote areas also may use computers to order and receive their prescriptions without having to make a special trip into town or even leave their home. This is a particularly valuable tool for the elderly. Also, physicians now are able to type prescriptions into computers and email them to pharmacists, cutting down on errors because of sloppy doctor handwriting. Computers have become commonplace in Radiology. Radiologists use computers to prepare and store patient case histories, prepare conference talks, and to examine images. Computers are especially important when examining images; radiologists depend on digital radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine, and ultrasonic imaging (Trovato). Computers can also enable a radiologist to view an emergency case from home, reducing the response time when dealing with a crisis situation. In radiology it is imperative that the computer system be powerful enough to observe very fine images; faulty screen imaging could lead to a false analysis, and possibly compromise patient health (Leach). Computers are also used in surgery to produce a three-dimensional image of the organ that is being operated on. This technology is especially useful to young surgeons, small clinics and developing countries where such sophisticated imagery has previously been unavailable. In addition, this type of surgery is less invasive on the patient, so recovery time and cost are reduced. Genetics is another area of medicine in which the use of computers has been increasingly useful. Pharmacogenomics, for instance, helps determine what drugs are compatible with a patient’s gene type. Gene information obtained from a patient blood sample is entered into the computer, which then determines which drugs may not be compatible before dispensing. In the future doctors may be able to use a similar method to determine the most effective type of chemotherapy for a cancer patient. This could save a patient from having a series of unnecessary and ineffective treatments (Mandel). Computers also allow access to the Internet, which can be a very useful tool when trying to run an office. Connecting to the World Wide Web can help lower costs, improve patient/member service and assist in the delivery of better-coordinated care. The physician is able to compile and analyze data from a single or multiple number of sources, reveal health problems, and even gains a better understanding of a treatment’s financial performance. Also, the Internet is a great marketing tool for a physician’s medical practice. The Internet is awash with medical information, which is both useful for patients and possibly detrimental. Some patients who should see a doctor instead try and self-diagnose using information gleaned from computer research. So many medical sources exist on computersâ€â€much of it valid, good informationâ€â€that a person might read the symptoms and believe they have a particular disease and try to treat themselves. Faulty treatment of a medical problem could lead to more serious medical problems down the road. Another pitfall to consider is how web sites allow a person to seek medical advice by querying a so-called physician online. The problem: That advice may be coming from an accredited medical person–or someone pretending to be a physician. So now with all this talk about how computers can be very beneficial to the medical field, one may wonder if computers do a better job than humans. The answer: Yes, due to a computer’s flawless memory. Even though physicians have the desire to be efficient and thorough when it comes to their patients, they are human and they occasionally make mistakes. Computers accurately remember vast amounts of information, which is especially important these days given all the emerging medical information and technology in the world today (Spekowius and Wendler 439). In conclusion, it is obvious that the medical field has benefited greatly since the advent of computers. Without computers the world would not be as advanced as it is today. New discoveries might never have been made, unnecessary tests and treatments would have been performed, and lives would have been lost. Computers are propelling the medical world into a new dimension where literally anything is possibleâ€â€including increased longevity, cures for cancer and paralysis reversal. It is indeed a win-win situation for physicians and patients. Works Cited Forman, Lloyd J. and Sherry C. Pomerantz. â€Å"Computer-Assisted Instruction: A Survey on the Attitudes of Osteopathic Medical Students.†JAOA Medical Education (2006): 572-575. Leach, Michelle. â€Å"Computed Radiography Vs. Digital Radiography.†n.d. ehow. February 2013
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Essay on Characters of Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
Characters of Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare The title What you Will is a perfect summary of the whole play. This story is about deception in character, being something you are not; whether it being disguising gender, true feelings or beliefs. We never no the real to why Viola chose to disguise her gender. We must assume that she wants to conceal her identity until she has gathered enough information about where she is and maybe feels safer dressed as a boy. He is resourceful and does not take pity on herself, despite the fact she thinks she has lost her brother she quickly moves on and tries to make do with the situation. Her brother describes her as beautiful with a mind that envy†¦show more content†¦Until her twin displays the same quality, Viola is the only character to be constant and unshakeable in the object of her love. She has remained faithful into longing for Duke Orsino even though he is clearly infatuated with Olivia. Twin of Viola, Sebastian has a high noble status but appears on stage very little until the final Act. The purpose of Sebastian is to foil the misunderstandings in the plot. Provident in peril, Sebastian shares many of his qualities in addition to their physical similarities. Like Orsino, Sebastian is quick to respond to a beautiful woman. He develops affection for Olivia without reservation although he knows something is odd I the way she was rushing things to claim him before he changes his mind. At the beginning of the play he thought he had lost his sister, but by the end of the play he finds his sister and gains a wife- with minimum effort. His character is largely defined by the way it mirrors that of his sisters; whom we get to know quite well and have a great deal of respect for. Sebastian is more of a device to drive the plot. When he arrives in Illyria, all the confusion and misunderstandings are soon sorted out and most are happy. Olivia got her young, strapping man. Viola got the Duke she fell in love with while being his message boy. Orsino is the first character introduced in the play. Wallowing inShow MoreRelated Examining Violas Character in Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare1035 Words  | 5 Pages Examining the relationship between speech, public space and authority for Violas Character in Twelfth Night One of the most celebrated and authoritative women in the 16th century was Elizabeth I. Even though the authority was at womans hands at that time, a dominant woman was unnatural in the society itself. The presence of such a powerful female figure creates an interesting situation for dramatists and playwrights in terms of depicting womens status at that time. By using the psychologicalRead MorePlot And Action In Twelfth Night By Shakespeare1527 Words  | 7 Pagesplay Twelfth Night, there are a couple of key aspects within the dramaturgy of that play that, to this day, still confuse me. William Shakespeare. And what may those be? Molià ¨re. 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