Sunday, June 16, 2019


ANALYSE THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF OFSTED REPORT PROVIDED. FOR EACH IDENTIFIED STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS PROVIDE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR VIEW USING statutory role model EYFS 2014 - Essay ExampleThe Statutory Requirement provides that The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the benchmarks necessitating untimely years providers to adhere. Such standards ensure that children learn and crack effectively, safe and the healthy. In order to scrutinize the strength and weakness of Ofsted report, the researcher strictly employs EYFS provisions that seeks to ensure quality and consistency in all early years setting to ensure each child effectively progress and no kids lags behind. Second, a secure foundation via learning and using opportunities that are intentional with the needs and interest of every individual child and whether they are regularly assessed. Thirdly, Partnership working with providers and parents as well as cares. Finally, equality of opportunity as well as anti-dis criminatory practices for equal inclusion and advocate of every child.Analysis of the report reveals an active partnership between the providers and fathers that is in line with the provision of the Statutory Requirement. The active cooperation is essential to this organization as staff keep parents updated about their childrens progress and suggest ways in which parents can further support their childrens studies at home. According to the section one of Statutory Requirement, learning and development recognizes the active partnership with parents and practitioners as a promoter of the learning and development of all children in the care besides ensuring that they are set for school. The existing evidence on how children learn and reflect the vast range of knowledge, skills and attitudes required by children as the foundations for real future progress. The Early Years providers, therefore, ascertain that children complete the EYFS in order to grasp the future opportunities. Such ac tive partnership table service realize the seven key principles of learning and development such as communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional

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