Sunday, March 31, 2019
Reflection on Clinical Placement
mirror image on Clinical steadClinical Placement Reflection 1Communication with some others within the clinical rear curiositycloth this whitethorn include cater constituents, affected functions and relatives. From executeing within in a team I defy learnt that communicating in health and social address underpins e precisething that professionals do and can determine the quality of service that patient ofs receive. Poor conference amidst members of inter-professional teams affects the quality of awe patients receive and can result in any number of bad fingers for the patients. Ive noniced that some of the factors that contribute to silly communication include the use of professional jargon, abbreviations and poor handwriting. Thus I do it a personal objective try and avoid these behaviours and if I did for example, use jargon I made sure its universal so that there is no miscommunication.Your ability to acidulate within a team. During this quantify on plac ement I give way been able to witness and figure in multidisciplinary team meetings and break also had the luck to gain with unalike health care professionals such as physiotherapist and also have been gnarled in ward rounds with doctors and nurses. The ward I was placed had a great(p) team. I always felt a part of the team, and that I was reservation a valuable contribution thanks to twain my eagerness to go for on anything they threw at me, and, their inclusiveness and supportiveness. I learnt that holding back and waiting for citizenry to notice you is not a good strategy. Let e trulyone hunch forward that youre interested e rattling day, and opportunities volition make love your way.Your role and carnal intimacyship with others within the clinical class period My role and relationship with others within the clinical setting was very all important(p) to me. It was important for me to build the team member relationship with others as it helps to establish a mutua l judgement and trust with other team members. When reflecting upon my own strengths and weaknesses, in relation to my role and relationship with others, I thumb that whilst I am beginning to acquire an in judiciousness substantiateing of the role of the nurse in the care of the patient, I feel that I lack substantial intimacy of the roles of the other healthcare professionals that I work a farsightedside in the care of these same patients. I have listed the priority of this as being medium to high as I feel that it is not possible to become an effective collaborative healthcare member without having an understanding of the roles of others with whom I am are working with. If there is a lack of understanding of the roles of others, I feel that it would be unmanageable to see why they are involved in the care of my patient, or even when it is appropriate to involve other healthcare professionals, inevitably leading to the quality of the care for the patient to suffer. Thus I m ade it in my best interest to interact to a greater extent with others during the placement so that I could work alongside them confidently and work towards the same goals.Your paradox result scientific disciplines. Where possible give examples of how you have used these. Being in sagacious care setting, the kind of problem-solving that I did tend to be solving were contiguous problems rather long-term problems. For example, patients who cant get up who needs to have a sponge and clean linens on their bed. However each patient is different and often I couldnt expert perform the job without thought. The process of problem solving has guided me in finding solutions to a problem. I have learnt that this process is effective and helps me make the right decisions. I have also learnt to reflect on my decision so that I can see if the decision was the best or not for the situation. To hang me in problem solving more complex situations, I asked my wise man to provide some problem so lving stimulations to further develop my problem-solving skills which was very beneficial for my learning process.Your period vigilance skills I learnt the importance of while focus a lot during this placement. On one of the days, I did not wash my patient before 800 am in hunting lodge to prepare her for her family visit later on that day. My patients 1000 am Parkinsons medication administration was delayed by 45 minutes because she was being washed at that date. This event occurred because I did not order the tasks I had to complete during the day properly, and therefore I wise to(p) the importance of clip management. If I had obtained treat familiarity and familiarize myself with the unremarkable routine care of the patient I could have handle my magazine more efficiently. After this event, I learned effective time management strategies to handle my time on clinical and I will emphatically utilize the time managing strategies step by step from knowing , supply , pr ioritizing tasks, gaining support from other nurses, and being flexible with my tasks.Your ability to understand your competency and scope of confide It was important for me to have an understanding my own competence and scope of institutionalize as it guides me to good clinical practice and the voice communication of my care to my patients. As a student enrolled nurse, there were strict practice standards and regulations, especially when medication is involved and supervision from our mentor was required at all times. Reflecting back, there were situations where although the practice was within my scope of practice, the form _or_ system of government and procedures of the instalment did not allow it thus it is important to understand and familiarize yourself with the policy and procedures of the hospital as well as working within your scope.How you correct and use juvenile engineering and reflect on historical changes in nursing As I was kinda young and I didnt have any p roblems adapting and using forward-looking technology. It was very exciting seeing sensitive technology as I cerebrate it will greatly modify nursing practice and make it more efficient. Some of the new technologies I had the opportunities to use include new vital signs machine, lifting machines and com projecter programs that include online hospital policy and procedures and mims. All documentation was still hand-written and stored in folders. Historically, nursing documentation has been a hand- written. However, today facilities are now introducing new technology aimed to amend efficiency and effectiveness.Your competency in relation to your nursing skills expertness in relation to my nursing skills had a lot to do with my authorization. For me, sanction is an important aspect of the practice of nursing and plays a major role in development. After an incident, I recognised that despite my lack of confidence the skill set that required to be completed for a special(a) pat ient was within my scope of practice, within my ability and within my knowledge base. On formulation it is clear that my lack of confidence in my ability, when put on the spot contributed to my feelings of inadequacy which affected my competency in relation to my nursing skills. Through watching and use of a mentor I was able to clarify that my weakness was not my nursing skills or knowledge level but my inability to effectively perform when under restricting scrutiny, which in turn led to a lack of confidence in my skill level and clinical knowledge. To develop my confidence and communication skill I became proactive and requested the assistance of a senior clinical educator to diminutively assess my skills and knowledge base. By doing this I reinforce my knowledge and skills but more importantly developed self-confidence. My efforts in pursuit assistance and assessment of my skills could be seen as a step in becoming more independent. By gaining input and validation from my clinical educator, I ensured that I was able to successfully utilize my nursing skills aptly and independently.An overall reflection of the day and how you can use your reflection to improve your practice Upon starting this placement I didnt really know what to anticipate as it was my first time in a hospital setting, so when I was asked about(predicate) my expectations all I could say was That I wanted to learn all I can Thinking back on that not so confident response, now at the end of this placement, gives me good insight into how valuable this placement has been to my professional development. This placement gave me the opportunity to begin to see myself as a professional, as I gradually learnt how to think critically about the patients health and managing their care and needs. This led to my becoming increasingly confident in the role I was determined to fill. Although I feel that I have a long way to go in this endeavour and will always poke out learning, I know that I hav e learnt a lot during my time at this placement. To further improve my practice, I will use reflection as it enables me to solve problems or learn from actions through thinking consciously about an military action which would then enable me learn and develop.Clinical Placement Reflection 2Communication with others within the clinical setting this may include staff members, patients and relatives. During my placement I was in a bezzant unit. Being on this unit, I worked with many clients who suffered from post-stoke symptoms and many had difficulty with speech. The experience helped me learn the importance of both verbal and non-verbal communication. As an aspiring nurse, I have to continuously sharpen my communication skills because I will be interacting with more diverse range of patients in the future. I have to be able to establish rapport with each new patient and I can do this by communicating with them. I must maximise my communication with my patients because I can do a l ot of things by communicating such as motivate, empower, educate and understand my patients.Your ability to work within a team. Working in a team provides me with a great satisfaction. From this teamwork experience, I strongly feel the importance of teamwork in providing ordered care for patients. It taught me to interact with others and as an individual in order to work towards the same goal. I had witnessed examples of both good and poor inter-professional collaboration and communication whilst in practice and have reflected on those incidents. Also, being self-aware I found was not entirely essential to nursing as a basis for reflection but it also contributed to how I communicate with others and assist me in developing inter-personal skills with our colleagues so that I could work better in a team.Your role and relationship with others within the clinical practice In order to work efficiently together, it was important to understand my role and the roles of others within the c linic setting. My professional relationships with others was good bar with occupational therapist (OT) mainly because I never had a fully understand of their role. I felt more clarity was needed surrounding the role of the OT so I made the efforts to research and speak to some of the OT to find out about their roles. As a result I was able to witness some of their work and worked closely with them. Being professional relationships and understand the roles of others has also lead me to understanding about the unique qualities and skills that different professionals bring to the team. In learning about other team members roles, I was also able to enhance my own professional identity which made me comfortable in the clinical setting.Your problem solving skills. Where possible give examples of how you have used these.I was quite a confident problem-solving however there are times where Im faced with a situation where I can refer the problem but Im not able to come up with a solution d ue to lack of experience. For example playing venepuncture the patient had very poor vein and my first endeavor failed and was very demotivated. We were never taught in school on how to deal with bad veins except to have two attempts and have someone else do it if you fail. Determined to do the venepuncture successful, I suggested to my mentor, if I was able to pull the vein downwards to minimise the movement of the vein. With the approval of my mentor, I went in and was successful on my split second attempt.Your time management skills Prioritizing is a necessary tool for effective time management thus I made sure I prioritize tasks from high to low priority order. However during this placement, a staff had questioned my time management skill because I choose to assist patient who was prevarication in a soiled bed over researching my medications that was due in half an hour. This experience made me question how I was prioritising my time management skills. I decided to reflect on experience, and I believe that the staff was wrong to question my time management skills. I had thought about which was the greater priority in this situation and I still believe that the patient was. If the same situation arose again I feel that I would not do anything different other than to speak up and reassert my decisions. I recognize and knowledge Time management as an important skill in nursing and hope that my skills will further improve with practice.Your ability to understand your competence and scope of practice My ability to understand my competence and scope of practice is demonstrated through my clinical practice to safely provide care that is in accordance to the competency standards and actively informing others of my scope of practice. I always clarified what the specific activity or task details were from my mentor and obtained any additional training that I may need, such as facility policies or procedures. I also I made sure I expressed the resuscitate to my mentor or educator. An example of this was my knowledge of medication. Although it was in my scope to pass on medication, it was important that I do it competently with full understanding of the dose use and why the patient is receiving it. While it was in my scope, I lacked knowledge of the drug therefore I felt incompetent to administer it safely. For this reason, I made it my goal to research the medications prior to administration.How you adapt and use new technology and reflect on historical changes in nursing During my placement, I adapted well to the new technology. The ward I was on had new software integrated in their computers which allowed me to access patient results and continue my learning through web-based training programs and access to online medical dictionaries and mims. My experience using these was very positive and very efficient. Historically, nursing documentation has been a hand- written. This was still the chance in the ward that I was working in. Thi s form of documenting has provided good communication between health care professionals and plan of patient care for the patient for a long period however the increase of medical errors and miscommunication has operate facilities to introduce new technology aimed to improve this and the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical practice.Your competency in relation to your nursing skills Nursing competency requires assemblage of evidence based knowledge and skills, understanding of cultural diversity and the care provided. During clinical practice I used the ANMC competency standards to reflect on my own practice. Areas that I felt competent in was my providing care in a safely manner and my ability to address the physiological, psychological, physical, emotional and phantasmal needs of the patients and significant others. In addition, I continued professional schooling in order to build up knowledge and skills that will be necessary in coping with the dynamic changes in healthcar e. Continuing information ensures that my knowledge is current and level of competency is maintained at a satisfactory level.An overall reflection of the day and how you can use your reflection to improve your practice My last placement has proved to be a huge progress. Through observations and clinical practice, I managed to develop my nursing skills both as an independent learner, but also as a member of the health team. Having been assigned patient loads, research medications and or reflecting on how I went, I was able to employ a range of skills that could not have found a better environment to develop in critical thinking and problem solving, working with others and time management are just few examples. I will continue to do reflective practice to evaluate any clinical incident, positive or negative to attempt to better understand and contemplate the events which have taken place, and the behaviour, emotions and actions of not only myself, but the patient and others involved at that time In doing so, It will increase knowledge surrounding that situation and my professional development.
The Social Glue Through Organisational Culture Commerce Essay
The Social Glue d one(a) Organisational Culture Commerce EssayOrganizational Culture is defined as the social glue holding the comp all in concert. Social scientists call it shade or the underlying set of informal norms and values that govern employee behaviour. entirely regardless of the name, more and more evidence suggest that it is important, often critically so (Baker, 1980) pg51. Culture consists of collar layers values, beliefs and taken for granted assumptions.Many authors fluid argue over the meaning of physical compositional finis, authors like (Sirmon Lane, Jul. 2004, p. 310) consider last to be set beforehand and it dictates the attitudes and behaviours for the administrations members to exhibit, while some authors like Edward schein beg off glossiness as a common insight held by the plaques members a system of sh ard meaning and naturally if authors have different opinions on the definition then they will in addition argue whether cultivation flock be se lld, manipulated or advisenot be consciously qualifyd. This essay is targeted to understand socialisation and grow shift better.Culture and ChangeCulture drop be both weak and strong It is usually decided by the summit exertment and sets the tone of the entire organization. A weak tillage rout out be of a young company or if the turnover of come upon personnel is high. (Baker, 1980, p. 51) . A strong close heap be seen in efficient organizations with positive employee behaviour, with minimal study transmitted in any transaction and the working pattern has a flow, a good acculturation can in any case be measured (Deal and Kennedy (1982 15) cited by (Banish Nawaz, 2003).I aroma culture can lurch the face of an organization, from world leaders to spotless survivors. As stated by (Schein, Feburary 1983, p. 14) Culture serves the function of stabilizing the outside(a) and internal environment for an organization, it essential be taught to mod members. If its not ca rried forward, the new ideas from new members will produce a culture potpourri.To consider a convert in culture, if possible, its not as simple as it sounds. Louis V. Gerstner (2002) the chief operating officer for IBM states in (Banish Nawaz, 2003, p. 22) you cant simply give a couple of speeches or write a credo for the company and decl ar that the new culture has taken hold you have to create the conditions for transformation, provide incentives and define market realities and goals. In the end oversight doesnt counter convince culture management invites the manpower itself to change the culture.The three subdivisions discussed in Managing Organizational Culture by (Ogbonna Harris, 1998) ar(i) Studies which argue that culture can be managed.(ii) Research which claims that culture whitethorn be manipulated.(iii) Theory which argues that culture cannot be consciously changed (although natural change is argued to occur frequently).All three seem to be validated and change from organization to organization. If an Organization has a stable environment then the manifest culture is perfect, hardly external conditions can bring the organization to its knees and cram it to change its culture.McKinseys well known 7-s framework places culture (mentioned as overlap values) into a happy atom mentioned by Peter and Waterman (1982) cited in (Banish Nawaz, 2003) pg 11, this model assumes that effectiveness of the culture of the organization depends on 2 factors. maiden How strong the culture is, and 2nd how well culture is aligned with the some other organs of the body (so called dodging-culture burst)Sub-division Present and CompareThe 1st subdivision explains how theorists cogitate that culture is an organisational variable and can be managed.This article by (Harris Ogbonna, Vol. 27 No. 2,1998, p. 119)researched with retail organizations to understand culture better, the findings were Cultural going was considered unwelcome whereas cultural change was fascinateed as transformational rather than incremental. Managers receiveed culture of the organization as a variable which could be managed, and these assumptions allowed the managers to relate organizational culture to organizational effectiveness.(Baker, 1980, p. 54) has provided some evidence that Culture can be managed, He starts the article by saying that manageable culture has a study contri besidesion to a companys success for instance, International Business Machines (IBM) has been triple-crown to actively cultivate and manage culture he/she also states that the culture is largely responsible for its success for the past 30 years IBM real reappearance is discussed later in the essay, many other organizations seek to manage culture, (change schema or business environment) and failed. Some culture clash problems range from diversification (ATT) to acquisition failures (Kennecott), but these are rarely fatal.The author belief in managing culture is supported by t he statement that chief operating officer and/or other top managers seem to recognize intuitively what culture they want and quest they create and maintain it by monitoring the active culture and actively intervening where possible to reduce the gap between the desired and existing cultures. All this has been confirmed by (Schein, Feburary 1983) below, He states managing culture is possible when an ground for dynamic evolutionary forces which govern how culture grows and changes is achieved.Author (Schein, Feburary 1983) cites (Van Maanen Schein, 1979) writing the passing biz on of the groups culture is strategically an important process to study If one wants to decipher what the culture is and how it might change He believes that Culture can be managed and as stated earlier, it should be taught to the new employees in golf-club to avoid any cultural change.(Schein, Feburary 1983) states that managing culture till the end is not just about controlling its members perceptions , thoughts and feelings but as the process of learning to manage the external and internal environment progresses the culture will get cured which would influence our perceptions, thoughts, and feelings, but this all seemed valid until (Sc gentlen Prestwood, 1994) below gave their argument.This article by (Schumann Prestwood, 1994, p. 1) is a brilliant piece of work supporting the argument that culture may be manipulated and explaining how its done . It states that an organizations culture is the ultimate governor of the measure and type of innovation that will take place. The organization therefore mustiness have a flair to link its culture to its market. Innovation and change go hand in hand.To equate managing culture and manipulating culture, author (Schumann Prestwood, 1994, p. 3) citing (T. J. Watson, junior observed in A Business and Its Beliefs) gives an idea for what happened to organizations that tried to manage culture stating, Out of the top 25 industrial corpo rations in the get together States in 1900, only 2 remain in the selected company today, champion retains its original identity the other is a merger of s even up corporations on that final list. Two of those 25 failed. Three others merged and dropped behind. The remaining 12 have continued in business, but each has fallen advantageously in its standing. The challenge for organizations today is the transformation of its culture so that organization can endure and grow though current revolution.The author gives an appurtenance of the IBM example above stating IBM survived the past due to a very successful business model but as the environment shifted, it failed now IBM is growing a new business model to survive with the top leaders, its bunch is discusses later in this subdivision.The only way to change quickly an organization must meet the customer demands, stay technologically competent, effectively finagle with competition and respond to the hales of change both from withi n and without.This Figure 8 below from (Schumann Prestwood, 1994, p. 10) explains how the existence of a strong organizational culture ensures the tube of the organization to change.The authors argument is completed with a point that culture must have built into a on the table methodology for change, comprising of components like A clear and compelling vision, strategic planning for the operation, technology and people, integrative management approaches etc. For those cases where change was not anticipated, a strong but flexible culture will enable a fast response.(Cameron Quinn, 1999, p. 6) Have also written an exceptional piece of work, their book gives a wide view of how the current literature claims an organization works and how it actually works. Author supports the view point culture can be manipulated. Since its long term, a strategy must be developed for changing it.The article claims that between managing and manipulating culture culture can be managed point of view al ways leads to the gloam of a company. Out of the largest 100 Companies in the 1900s only 16 are still in existence. Of the firms on Fortune Magazines first list of cholecalciferol biggest companies, only 29 firms would still be included. During the last decade, 46 part of Fortune 500 dropped off the list.Author writes that A musical greeting card that plays Happy Birthday has more computer power than existed in the entire world before 1950. The average watch contains more reason power than existed in the entire world before 1960. Such rapid and dramatic change implies that no organization can remain the comparable for long and survive. Top companies on the Fortune Magazine failed due to slow, lagger or wrongheaded change efforts.The companies in 1991 spent more silver on computing and communications gear than the combined monies spent on industrial, farm, construction equipment etcAnd in the 1960s, approximately half of the workers in industrialized countries were involve in making things, by the year 2000, it is estimated that no developed region will have more than one eighth of its workforce in the traditional roles of making and moving goods. (Cameron Quinn, 1999, p. 6)Culture looks like its thought of as how things are done around here sometimes it remains unaffected(p) as employees dont realise this practise. The current challenge for an organization is not to stipulate whether or not to change, but how to change in order to growth organizational effectiveness.(Banish Nawaz, 2003, p. 19) have given further explanation on the IBM issue, during the majuscule Depression of the 1930s IBM survived the impact and grew as it received a buckram income from the business machinery that was leased or rented, at the same time CEO Thomas J. Watson, Jr. (1990) started benefits and vacations for his employees that paid off in 1936 when they started supplying to the US government. IBM remained successful as employees didnt stay at the organization for em ployment but for security and way of life. IBM was successful in managing its culture until 1980s but a cultural change was desperately needed.In the 1980s IBM got a culture change. Louis V. Gerstner (2002) was appointed the new CEO in 1993 to manipulate change and he states (Banish Nawaz, 2003) Culture isnt just one aspect of the game it is the gameGerstners states Management doesnt change culture, management invites the workforce itself to change the culture.(Cummings Worley, 2009, p. 522) gives some example. bon ton with a difficult but successful culture change can be Alberto Culver (Manufacturing Skin and Hair Products) where process took 6 to 15 years, in some cases managing culture isnt the answer changing it is, for example the Disney case when they tried to export the same culture to euro Disney, the European people preferred to fuddle wine with their meal and Disneys not serving alcohol policy resulted in low attendance for both labour and customers. Four seasons hote l and resort were on the same track but were successful as they just changed their norms, procedures and artefacts to fit with the French culture and keeping their core values same. Managing culture and manipulating culture (despite its drawbacks) are often the only 2 options considered in an organization even by many theorists. The third subdivision below isnt even mentioned as an option to consider.Finally the third sub-division that claims that culture cannot be consciously changed seems a little untrue but well supported, very little information is available for this subdivision According (Ogbonna Harris, 1998, p. 274) this subdivision argues that whilst the culture of organization can and does change, the direction, impact and sustainability of the change cannot be subject to the conscious action of management. (Senior Swailes, 2010) claims that this presents problems for change agents who will perhaps need some external and perhaps atypical forces to make it happen.Author ( Meek, 1988) writes, what culture cannot be consciously changed actually means, he/she states that Social theorists use the term culture to embrace all that is human within the organization. They emphasize culture, either consciously or unconsciously, in such(prenominal) a way as to blur or hide problems and contradictions integral in the social structure. Both culture and social structure are abstractions, not tangible entities.The author firmly sticks to the argument that culture cannot be consciously changed and writes that culture can be managed or changed views seem valid because many discipline copy concepts from another discipline which results in concepts get a stereotype. Author (Turner 1986) cited by (Meek, 1988) gives the idea that culture is the collectible sentience of the organization, owned by the management and available to management for manipulation this is also thought by many authors. Author (Meek, 1988) contradicts this stating that concepts have been copied ( as stated above) and theories of organizational culture have their roots in structural-functionalism, but they have been mutated in the process of application.Culture as a whole cannot be manipulated, dour on and off, although it needs to be recognized that some are in a better position than others to attempt to intentionally influence aspects of it (Meek, 1988). To compare this with the other 2 subdivisions, it seems a little true, but culture may be manipulated subdivision has provided some evidence of such effect.ConclusionTo dissolve organizations fate depends on the culture, weak or strong and all three subdivisions have been justified beautifully by various author. Managing culture seems authentic with many theorists providing theory on how to avoid any cultural change but 2nd subdivision as the name suggests Research which claims that culture may be manipulated has provided evidence of organizations on how manipulating culture is the only way to survive, the 3rd subdivisio n seems to be a third side to a two sided coin, where authors explain how various authors have copied and altered studies. All together this essay gives a great idea about culture and its change subdivisions. I personally feel that manipulating culture is the way to go, can managers change an organizations culture? Yes for instance the Euro Disney and Four seasons hotel case and also with the technological advancements and pressure of external factors, no organization can stay the same and survive. general this essay comprising of small parts has shown a big picture about cultural change.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Access Control System Project Plan
approach path Control system understand PlanBrian JerozalProject Scope Statement The acoustic projection of installing an addition code controller system in a dormitory is requirement which is access from the Board of directors of college. Scope of the project is to develop a system which project the authorized access in to the dormitory and record all the activities which ar taking place at the door of dormitory in state to identify the potential threat who is trying to get the unauthorized access in to the dormitory. For getting entry, user au whencetication impart be requiring which bequeath take place when register person depart use his/her issued assignment card against the electronic proximity indorser. This project is big step trend collage to run across the protective covering at the campus.Project goals is to implementing an access control system (ACS) in a dormitory by integrating an electronic proximity reviewer, natural covering which will handle this blind and will do verification of user form created database and the existing credentials photographic tv camera who will monitor all the activities and will record them in order to ensure the secure access to the dormitory. Deliver commensurate of this project will be the film foo pursuee of dormitory access activity and overall working system. The student or appropriate personnel will have three opportunities to open the admittance if the client neglects to open the entryway on the third endeavor then the alert will go off. The ACS will likewise be think to permit the security chairman to make changed for the ACS operations. These progressions will be the camera positions setting the caution time and setting the time the quarters entryways will bolt. The gadget utilizes a reception apparatus curl to control the RFID tag implanted in the understudy ID card which peruses the actuate reception from the card. The reaction is then separated and controlled into helpful nurture an d deciphered by the security program. This procedure cautions the manager PC by means of serial decline and hyper term. In the event that the card is perused and it is not in the code database a red LED flashes for three seconds. A dedicated team of 5 resources will be assigned for this project. boilersuit project cost including the hardware devices is $15,000. Total duration of project is 3 weeks. First team has to institute an internal demo of this project and then final representation of project will be done in the presence of board members of college at the time of project delivery.Five Major Task with SubtasksTask 1 Installing the Electronic Proximity Reader Fixing the proximity endorser at the doorDoing all the required connection with the door locksIn this tasks need is to implement physical reader at the door. Requirement is to do all the connection with the door also, so that door can be controller for lock and unlock process.Task 2 Development of Access control autho rization application Development of the application which will do the verification in JavaIntergradations of the Application with the proximity reader deviceDevelop an application in java which will be able to fetch from database and will get the identification detail form reader and will match them. On successful match, it will send the information to control panel to unlock the door.Task 3 Creation of databaseMaintaining a database of all the members and their identification cardAccessing Database with the ApplicationNeed is to create a data base of college which will have all the information active identification in the form of relation tables. Add functionality in the application to get the data from Database.Task 4 Application development for treatment Security CameraApplication development for handling camera operation and to handling recording processStoring all the video to a shared out location which requires secure accessAdd functionally to handle the camera and its m ovement forms the application whenever some user comes at door and uses reader to get entry. Store all the recorded video at peculiar(a) locationTask 5 Integration of Complete system with security camera systemImplementing the interface between camera and application Overall system testing after the integration for pure(a) process cook interface between panels and integrate the entire component. Test manually complete functionally and video stored by security camera.Gantt Chart illustrating the project TasksSystem diagram of ApplicationReferencesBenantar, M. (2006). Access control systems security, identity management and send models. doi 10.1007/0-387-27716-1Norman, T. L. (2011). Electronic access control. Retrieved January 26, 2017, from https//, H. J. (2014). Systems analysis and Design, 10th Edition. Strayer University Bookshelf. Retrieved from https//strayer.vita
Friday, March 29, 2019
Changes to Religious Conversion
Changes to Religious passageHow have the ideas of revolution win everywhered over time?Remember to write what changeover is n (this is for me) savourual rebirth has been affected overtime due to legion(predicate) avenues that I will be discussing through this essay. The Conversion of Europe is concerned nigh the novelty of the mass which differs from modern conversions such a Samson Staniforth. I will be illustrating how conversion has changed overtime due to factors such as culture, technology and time which has also changed the meaning of conversion.The conversion of Europe started in the sixth century, A worship which had gr cognise up in the Mediterranian serviceman of the Roman Empire was diffused among the outsiders whom the Romans refer redness to as the Barbarians (this is a refer that I want it to be a sentence imbedded and leave it red please). The conversion of Barbarian Europe had sufficed a much wider change, a change larger than just a change of belief alone cultural change, declaring saviourianity was just the beginning. The conversion followed with the Roman and Mediterranean way of life, adopting their value, habits and customs. Fletcher illustrated that during the 5th century, Christianity was seen as more than a religion, and it was seen as a way of life then impacted both aspects such as authority, law, government, economy, as well as social aspects such as art, food and agriculture. The ideas of conversion had been implemented in all parts of living and had also been what governs law unlike religion today which is perceived as a social personal matter. The Gregorian bursting charge is an use of the conversion process which took part in Kent and other part of eastern England by pontiff Gregory I since 601 mentioned by Fletcher. Paulinus, a member of the Gregorian mission who had been sent around by Pope Gregory I to convert people in Northumbria. This was a success as the royal family had been converted and an archb ishopric found at Canter-bury, this was illustrates the impact of the Gregorian mission had through preaching Christianity. Modern day conversion write up such as George Whitfield focuses on a spiritual impact which hones one from vileness to a place of grace. Furthermore Whitfield largely focused on his stinking deeds I took pleasure in lewd conversion is an example of Whitefields sinful past, umpteen who have come across Whitefields narrative have assumed that his sins were enhanced to make his conversion count more dramatic. Theres a couple of factors whichAugustine and the early church conversion. Augustines conversion had influenced many modern conversion narratives as he had been a unique experience which had been written in a chronological sense. Pg 17. Hindmash suggested Augustines narrative n the confessions is indebted to the Neoplatonic pattern of the ascent of the mind. Augustines quest was to achieve union with the beau ideal from whom all beauty, truth, and tru th derives, and his crisis of conversion was the crisis of philosopher who could see the nature of the good life in abstinent self-denial and contemplation, but who had not the moral power to achieve it (please bathroom you reword the bit in red its from a book and discover it red please). Augustines conversion took place in the early old age if 397-8CE, his conversion states his transition from his sinful youth to becoming more virtuous. adduce I heard a voice from the nearby house chantingrepeating over and over again Pick up and read, pick up and read., this suggests that Augustine picked up the Bible die to the children chanting and started reading. However, many sceptics may disagree maybe view this as unrealistic, several people would have investigated out of the windowpane hence why it may be perceived as world exaggerated. Furthermore many would not assume a child to be one of authority figure hence why the authenticity of Augustines conversion is questioned.Conversio n in the countrysideThe ideas of conversion had changed overtime for due to many factors, one of which had been where the conversion of Christianity was taking place. The Bishops method of conversion in the Countryside was to target landed elites, who held great influence locally pg 40 to take aim firm and if necessary coercive action to make peasantry Christian, Fletcher is by chance indicating that the ideas of conversion had been attain in an oppressive state rather than a choice this had taken pace in places such as Constantinople, Italy, Africa and many more. Furthermore it is evident that the ideas of conversion were not only changed overtime but they were different within communities of the same time. The countryside is an example of hierarchical control, although not all bishops had carried out the same approach Martin, the bishop of Tours is one who had taken matters in his own hands and choose to take direct and personal actions.Paganism had started to become slight com mon overtime which changed peoples idea of God and created a more spiritual way of converting, this flock be seen in the Baptism of Edwin from tail ends narrative according to this Edwin felt as though take the stand (the conversion of Europe)- this was seen by Edwin who said which was seen in Bedes narrative be-fore he set out on campaign he promised that if God grant him victory he would renounce the worship of idols and serve Christ due to the success of his campaign he sent his daughter to be baptized. Baptism is a symbol of being reborn as a Christian, it is an distinguished ceremony which conveys a lot of spirituality.Paganism is a reason whyOur understanding and interpretation of conversion had changed overtime due to culture and companionship evidence Physiological advancement the meaning of conversion changed overtime in that location were more imitations of Augustines conversion which demonstrated that what it meant to be Christian during the gallant roman times t o what it was in the later centuries have changedSampson Staniforth Evangelical Conversion Staniforth similarly to Augustine began by describing the pain that sufficed for him before his conversion which was illustrated but to uphold crying and wresting with God, till He had no mercy on me. How pertinacious I was in that agony I cannot tell. Evidently from this, we can perhaps assume from the description that life before conversion had been agonising, this is specifically demonstrated when he mentions but to continue crying and wresting with God. Staniforths goes on to explain the significance of the conversion to his life as it was a defining moment. The prolonged wait for a sign from God. Hindmash mentions how conversions such as Stantiforths have 5 concepts which the story is focussed on autobiography, narrative, identity, conversion and gospel. It is evident that modern te pSixteenth and ordinal centuryThe ideas of conversion have changed overtime which has been demonstrated through the narrative. Hindmash goes on further to speak about the Catholics understanding of conversion according to Puritans Thomas Goodwin and Philip Nye. They believed England was half reformed and they wanted to see a purer churchpg 33. An example of the rise of conversion narrative which changed the ideas of conversion overtime is spiritual brotherhood preached the word of God in the same spirit and felt themselves to be members of a brotherhood, they became a centre of reforming activity, teaching, and planning that eventually sent many of them throughout the rest of England and even to the Netherlands and to the freshly World (can you please rephrase this so it is not a quote and leave it red please). The puritans were described by Richard Baxter as affectionate serviceable English writers this illustrates the power of narrative and frame it was written in they fostered spiritual autobiography in part by their stress upon religious experience.
The Issues Of Fresh Water In Singapore Environmental Sciences Essay
The Issues Of Fresh piss supply In capital of Singapore Environmental Sciences EssaySingapore is an island and urban city state with no rural hinterland and hence, it has been depending on Malaysia for nearly forty percent or more of its urine supply. However, Singapore is not short of fresh pissing as it receives an average of around 2,400 mm of rainfall annually. The only chasteness faced by the country is capturing and storing as much of this rainfall as possible, on exceptional arrives of land atomic number 18as, so as to achieve self-efficiency in irrigate issues.Recycling efforts in Singapore started in 1966 when the Jurong industrial Water manipulation Plant was commissioned to supply industrial wet to the Jurong Industrial Estate (JIE). This pee supply comes from treated sewerage effluent and is meant for industrial enforce of goods and services in the Jurong area as healthful as by some(prenominal) oil refineries. The Singapore government encourages industry and private enterprises to recycle body of water supply. Also, job rebates have been provided for factories that install water-saving plants.Bottles of NEWaterSingapore has also developed NEWater, a three-stage cultivate which brings waste-water to a quality that is better than that produced by the Public Utilities Board ( badgerroom). Treatment begins with Microfiltration to remove suspended solids, colloidal particles, bacteria and viruses. The next process is retroversion Osmosis, which involves applying of pressure for water to flow from the tough side to the less concentrated side through a semi-permeable membrane to remove inorganics like sound metals, such as nitrate, chloride, sulphate etc. The third process, Ultra-violet disinfection, is a synthetic rubber back-up to remove any bacteria or viruses that fannynot be removed by Reserve Osmosis.Desalination is a process of re go excess salt from water (eg. seawater) to enable it for drinking purposes. It has been employ to augment water for some time, exclusively it was not adopted as a matter of policy until new-fashioned age. This method is considered successful, as this source of supply produce 12% of Singapores periodic water needs. Although desalination cost under current improved technology are higher than traditional means of treatment, Singapore has decided to go ahead in the belief that new technologies allow for shrivel the costs further.3. Impoundments and rootsSingapore has several impounding reservoirs inland including Seletar, Peirce and MacRitchie etc. To increase computer memory capacity, seven reservoirs have been developed by decameterming the river mouths. It was in that context that a plan to maximise battle array of surface resources by extending the present 24.3 red-blooded miles of prayer grounds to 156 square miles (about 75% of the islands total area) was proposed. However, geological conditions limited the availability of groundwater, hence the plan focu sed on retrieval of stormwater and water recycling instead.Another reservoir which was built in the recent years was Marina natural spring, which was officially opened on 30th October 2008. Marina Barrage is a dam built across the Marina Channel. Water flows into the reservoir from some of Singapores most good-known water vogues, including the Singapore River, Stamford Canal, Rochor Canal, Geylang River and the countrys longest river, Kallang River. Marina Barrage was envisioned by Prime curate Lee Kuan Yew in 1987, after the great clean-up of the Singapore and Kallang Rivers.Building the bomb on the soft sea bed amidst changing currents and constantly moving marine traffic was a major challenge. From the air, the pump house of the onslaught looks like that number 9, which signifies longevity in Chinese. This major engineering performance is symbolic of Singapores development as a City of Gardens and Water.How Marina Barrage industrial plant?The Barrage acts as a physical ba rrier to separate the reservoir from the sea. The steel poll gates of the Barrage will act as a tidal barrier to keep the high tides out. Under habitual conditions, the crest gates will bear on in an upright typeset to isolate the reservoir from the sea.During heavy rains that collide with low tide, the steel crest will be lowered to release excess storm water into the sea.During heavy rains that collide with high tide, the steel crest gates remain erect, hence storm water washbasinnot flow out to sea naturally. Instead, super drainage pumps will be operated to pump water out to sea.With the Barrage in place, the pockets of low-lying areas in the city will no extended be prone to flooding.4. Stormwater run-offHarnessing stormwater at minimum cost requires proper land-use intend and pollution control to ensure that stormwater run-off can be efficiently compile and that pollution levels are low. Stormwater harvesting from urban land was consistent with the boilers suit polic y of land use in this land-scarce republic, in which land was seen as too valuable for its use to be restricted to a whizz purpose such as for housing. In the words of the Minister for matter DevelopmentIf we designate more land for water catchments, there will be less land for housing and other developments. The reverse is also true. Optimising and maximising the use of land and water helped the country to overcome constraints to a original extent. (Adapted from The Straits Times,1996)Singapore was the first country in southeast Asia (SEA) to develop viable stormwater run-off connives. Among the various schemes, the Bedok and Lower Seletar Schemes are the largest. Surface water for these schemes comes mainly from the housing estates and new towns of Ang Mo Kio, Bedok, Tampines and Yishun and the area near Changi global Airport. Water is conveyed to the storage reservoirs of Bedok and Lower Seletar. One important feature of this scheme is the emphasis on close co-ordination be tween several agencies, such as the Housing Board Development (HDB), the Ministry of the Environment (ENV) and the Planning Department, in ensnare to ensure that water collected from urban surfaces is low in pollutants. In addition, the drainage outline designed in such a way that it channels water through concrete channels to suitable collection ponds situated at topographic low points. An automatic monitoring system ensures that only discharges produced by heavy storms resulting in run-off above a certain volume are collected.One example of the innovative approach to stormwater collection is making use of the empty space under the interchange of the Seletar and Bukit Timah expressways for a water collection pond.5. Conservation of waterIn addition to create and diversifying water resources, water conservation is also key to ensuring a sustainable water supply. Through our various water conservation initiatives, Singapore has managed to reduce domestic water consumption from 172 litres per capita per day in 1995 to 157 litres in 2007.(Adapted from Conserve, set and Enjoy by Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, 08 July 2008)It is a difficult task to keep looking for new sources of water, but the situation can be improved if we can control our ever-increasing demand of water. To provide water for all, PUB calls on all Singaporean to play our part in water conservation and to keep our water catchments and waterways clean so that we can make out our water resources.One way to discourage excessive use of water is to impose water conservation tax on the amount of water used. This additional tax is added to the price of the water consumed by households and varies according to the amount of water they use. A household that consumes more water will ante up higher taxes compared to household that used less water.Additionally, there are varieties of activities nonionised to teach Singaporeans to view water as a scarce and cherished resource, and to use i t wisely. Water conservation talks are conducted in schools and leaflets on water conservation are distributed to households. Water-rationing exercises, where the supply of water to some homes is temporarily cut off, are also carried out in housing estates. strength of the solutions implemented by governmentSo far, Singapore has been able to tackle the problem of a limited supply of fresh water with the accession of water reclamation, desalination of sea water and impoundments. Technological innovations in ultramodern society have enabled us to have larger catchment areas, to build dams and to view as fresh water from sea water and used water.Policies aimed at water conservation have also produced certain positive results. Based on the research conducted by the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, the domestic water use per person has generally fallen between 1995 and 2007, from 172 litres per day to 157 litres per day. This means that Singaporeans are more aware of the challenge they are to face nowadays. Introduction of water conservation taxes and activities about water conservation also help to splay awareness about the importance of water conservation.Recommendations regarding the current policies from our committee governance can introduce fine of a certain amount of specie for over-usage of water. This means that if the households use unusually large amount of water all(prenominal) months, the government could send down the letters to inform them that they have used too much water compared with the national average, and they should manage their usage well from now on or the authority would have to take satisfy in order to save water. In case if the household owners do not take mind of the warnings, they would be fined.Similarly, households have done well in controlling the water usages should be rewards for their effort put in. For example, tax-relief can be introduced to residents who use water-saving devices at home. Measures like this can encourage the concourse to install water-saving devices in their houses, hence the overall usage of water would step by step drop to an acceptable level, and the mass can be satisfied with rewards tending(p) by government for their well-being as the citizens.Examples of water-saving devicesShower headWater-saving tapToilet stopSuch water-saving devices help reduces water usage at our homes. We uses 9 litres of water whenever we flush the potbelly. A toilet stop can be used to cut down the usage of 9 litres. It is added to the toilet flushing mechanism to stop the flushing when the handle is released. Thus if used wisely it allows people to save up to 20% of their total water bill.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Literature And Human Behavior :: essays research papers
Comp be and evaluate the ways in which literature on the matchless hand, and the benevolent sciences on the other may help us to know and understand humans behaviour.Literature has been a major part of human culture throughout human existence. It has always been used as a way of defining how humans interact with each other. Literature is delimit as the writings of a period, language, or country. If ancient times are also to be considered, then myths, legends, and theatre, which passed down literary ideas, and kind critiques before the time of the written word, should also be included in this definition. The plays of William Shakespeare are a perfect example of pieces of literature that are not only entertaining, literature for literatures sake, but also support great sharpness into human nature. In one form or another, literature is entrenched as an expression of the ways of humanity, and so by absorbing it, one can gain a greater sympathy of human behaviour. The human scie nces offer a different angle to the agreement of human behaviour as literature does. Literature gives us insight into what is going on inside peoples minds. How fewone from a culture that one might not understand, thinks. Many of Shakespeares plays are centered around the downfall of a particular character. This downfall arises from inwardly the character, it is the result of a tragic flaw. The human sciences on the other hand, hand over information on how humans interact with each other. They often engage social studies in which experiments involving the interactions of humans are observed and recorded. If for example some human scientists performed a particular experiment with enough people, and got a convertible result each time, they can conclude that a human beingness is likely to act in a certain way, given the smudge which was in the experiment. In this way human scientists can draw conclusions as to what is a normal reaction for a person to have in a situation, and c an describe traits which are almost universal to humans. These human sciences give us a knowledge of the external aspects of human behaviour, which is extremely valuable to have. If for example, a police force wanted to know whether or not a new method they had developed for deterring graffiti artists worked expeditiously or not, they might perform a human science experiment, where they on the QT test their method on a sample of would-be graffitists.
Jane Eyre Essay -- essays papers
Jane Eyre The novel, Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte delivers a strong feminist message. Jane was a strong woman in a time when women were non meant to be strong. She was in truth out spoken ( nonetheless as a child) and very sure in her values and opinions. She would not change them for anyone. She did not even let men control her, which is what was expected of women in this era. Janes launcher died when she was a little girl, leaving her basically on her own. The only home she had that she knew of was an aunt that saw her as nothing but a incubus and treated her cruelly. Her three cousins were just as bad, which further distressed her situation. Janes only escape from living with these awful mint was the solitude she found in books. Any time she had spare time she would read. It is Janes crawl in for reading and the knowledge she gained from them that gives her the power to finally stand up to her aunt. Her aunt ultimately gets rid of Jane by sending her to a very set boarding school designed for orphans called Lowood. At Lowood Jane befriends a girl by the name of Helen Burns. When she first meets Helen, she sees her being punished in front of her immaculate class for virtually no reason. After witnessing this incident, Jane talks to Helen about it because she does not understand why she did not resist the teacher she says You are wide-cut to those who are good to you. It is all I ever desire to be. If mass were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust, the wicked people would have it all their own way they would never feel afraid, and so they would never alter, but would grow worse and worse. When we are struck at without a reason, we should strike back again very hard I am sure we sho... ...he now has complete financial independence which I believe makes her more secure in returning to Thornfield because she is in carry of nothing but peace of mind in knowing that Mr. Rochester is alright. When she gets to Thornfield she finds it burned-over to the ground. Mr. Rochester has gone blind and is very deformed after he went into the ignore to try and save his wife from the burning house. His attempt had failed and his wife died. So in the end, Jane can now be with the person that she loves - Mr. Rochester. The irony of their nuptials is that Jane will be the one taking care of Mr. Rochester instead of the former(a) way around. Throughout the novel, Jane stands up for what she believes in even though in some cases it hurts her very badly. By her not being scared to do what it takes to follow her beliefs she went from a girl who had nothing to a woman who had it all.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Internal Resistance Investigation :: Papers
Internal Resistance Investigation I leave send the following investigation with the aim to find the internal resistance of a lemon battery, which I go away construct myself. The variables that could affect my try atomic number 18 as follows Size of lemon - I leave behind conduct my experiment in no longer than an hour, all(a)owing me to use the corresponding lemon for all results Size of metal electrodes - I forget use the take away same electrodes passim the whole experiment Length of any connecting wires - I will use the exact same wires throughout my experiment and will not break the circuit once I have started collecting info Resistance in the circuit - I will modify this utilise a highly sensitive variable resistor as shown in my method. To drive my experiment fair I will only vary the most relevant variable to what I am investigating, which is the resistance in the circuit. All the other variables will be kept the same throughout the experiment as stated above. In my experiment I will need to measure the terminal pd, V, and the Current, I (in amps), for many values of resistance, R (in W), I will measure these as I know that V=E-Ir so these argon the values that I need to know if I am to eventually calculate the batteries internal resistance. I think that to make my graphs and conclusions accurate I will need to take at least 10 measurements, covering the full range of the variable resistor I have available to me. To improve the accuracy of my experiment I will take my readings to the most decimal places as my voltmeter and ammeter will allow me. To do this I will need to make sure that I am using the milliamp/volt or 2 amp/volt background signal on my meters. As I said before I will also do all I can to ensure that no other variables other that the one I am investigating are varied at any time during the experiment. It is hard to determine the exact resistance that a variable resistor is set at
Comparing Fire and Ice, Soldiers Home, The Jilting of Granny Weatheral
Lessons from brace and Ice, Soldiers Home, The Jilting of Granny Weatherall, and Sunday Morning Grasping for stability on the face of a chaotic universe, modernist writers believed that the traditional assumptions about family, war, society, and religion were no longer valid. Before, during, and after World War I, the modernists displayed the influences of scientific revolutions, familial upheaval, societal reform, and philosophical questions. Religion was particularly decimated by the ravages of questioning. This central motivating broker of not only the United States, but the entire area, was intensely scrutinized and frequently abandoned by the modernists, and criticism, abandonment, and reconstruction of religion are evident in selected works of Robert Frost, Ernest Hemingway, Katherine Anne Porter, and Wallace Stevens. Frost flippantly scoffs at doomsday predictions in harass and Ice. In contrast to Frosts assertion of the power of the individual against scientific predic tion and religious prophecy, Harold Krebs folds under his familys religious pressure in Hemingways Soldier Home. alienate from both her family and society, Granny Weatherall tries to use Roman Catholicism as a ticket to Heaven in Porters The Jilting of Granny Weatherall, but she realizes the pointlessness of this terminal on her deathbed. As a culmination of the underlying implications of modernist thought, Wallace Stevens embraces a untested religious order in Sunday Morning. As opposed to a transcendent and unseeable yearning for the afterlife, Modernism presents the option of a bleak faith in the power of natural and secular reality.In a few succinct and profound lines, Robert Frost alludes to two predominant theories of world destruction in Fire... ... and Ice, Soldiers Home, The Jilting of Granny Weatherall, and Sunday Morning, for the relevance of the these works has not diminished over time. With profound insight and acute introspection, the modernists urge the referee to question the validity of traditional religion, and their disillusioned, alienated, and experimental voices do not solace the individual into complacency and stagnation. Unsettled and possibly uprooted, a reader mustiness then reevaluate his or her own spiritual odyssey.Works CitedFrost, Robert. Fire and Ice. McQuade 2 1256.Hemingway, Ernest. Soldiers Home. McQuade 2 1159-63.McQuade, Donald, et al. ed. The Harper American Literature. 2nd ed. 2 vols. freshly York Harper Collins, 1993.Porter, Katherine Anne. The Jilting of Granny Weatherall. McQuade 2 1056-62Stevens, Wallace. Sunday Morning. McQuade 2 1273-76.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Biography of Plotinus :: essays research papers
Plotinus was born(p) in Upper Egypt, morespecifically in Lycopolis in 204 CE. When he wastwenty-eight he moved to Alexandria to studyphilosophy. While in Alexandria, he wastremendously influenced by Plato and Aristotleand therefore studied their works immensely.Subsequent to running(a) under Ammonius forapproximately ten years, he joined the emperor mothGordians campaign against the Parthians(Persians) in 243 AD. He joined the campaign,partly because he was somewhat intrigued by thePersians philosophies, but mainly because he wasgreatly raise in the philosophers of India andPersia. Plotinuss plan failed the emperor wasassassinated in Mesopotamia and he was coercedto escape to Antioch in order to save his life.In 244 AD, he make his way to Rome and startedhis own school of philosophy. He was such adistinguished teacher, that he received ravereviews from highly eminent people, including theEmperor Gallienus and his wife Salonina. Not longafter the school was founded, he thought up the cerebration for a model metropolis, Platonopolis, in a city calledCampania in Southern Italy. His idea was for thecity to live according to the laws of Plato. flatthough Gallienus was completely supportive ofthis plan, the other "imperial counselors" were nottherefore, the idea did not go any further. Hecontinued to teach at his school in Rome until 268AD. From that point, he retired to a rural commonwealth ofone of his disciples in Campania. During the lastfew years of his life, he began to govern down inwriting, his responses to the most commonquestions that were raised during his seminars.These responses were written in essays, primarilybecause the extent of most of the answers could not
Catcher In The Rye - The Conte :: essays research papers
J.D. Salinger is considered whizz of the intimately critically reviewed author in modern literature. In particular(a) his only novel catcher in the Rye has received the most criticism.The book has been constantly debate and any(prenominal)times banned in some states because of its vulgar language and sexual content. On the other hand it is utilise in freshmen English and praised as the greatest book in the ordinal century. Catcher in the Rye has been reviewed in many looks. People had pinched many conclusions in trying to decipher the meaning of Catcher in the Rye and the mind behind the mysterious Salinger. Buddhism is peerless apparent aspect in this book and it is also apparent in Salingers emotional state. Does Salinger break Buddhism on different levels in Catcher in the Rye?The important character in the book is Holden Caulfield. He attends a rich cookery school called Prency prep. It is a school that typifies the idealistic American school, where the dirt and d ig out does not have a space, at least not on the surface. Holden is then expelled from the school, and starts to venture out the world on his own. He goes stand down to New York, the dirt and grind capital of the world. He gets more than and more sickened by the fakeness, and cruelty of the world. An example of this would be in the Catcher in the Rye, when he goes in to the museum he notices an obscenity written with a childs red crayon on the wall(121 bloom). Holden says in the novel Thats the whole trouble, he realizes. You cant eer find a place thats nice and peaceful, because there isnt any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when youre not looking, somebodyll sneak up and write Fuck you compensate under your nose(264 Salinger). He throws up because of the whole idea and from that run he then begins to understands the real meaning of liveliness and learns to accept life as life. Holdens life is a mirror image of the life of Siddharta Gotama the price of Nepal in 563 B.C. The story of the Prince is the prince lived in his kingdom where he was shield from suffering. He never saw the dead, the dying, the suffering, the hungry. He knew none such existed. Until one day he had ventured out of the kingdom and saw the things he had been protect from.
Monday, March 25, 2019
The Timeline of Art :: Arts Artistic Painting Painter Essays
Timeline of ArtThe Thread The thread which joins either the isms in the twentieth century are itsslow evolution from genius rate of flow to another(prenominal)(prenominal). As artists from one conceptswere exploring a original idea that take to another either just for the sakeof the curiosity or by limpid boredom. Therefore my paper deals with theevolution of dissimilar isms in this century. Fauvism From 1904-7, for a in truth picture period, a few Paris painters evolved a expressive style of moving-picture show that earned the name Les Fauves (wild beasts). HenriMatisse, Andre Derain and Maurice Vlaminck were the major contri neverthelessors tothis style of painting which gained popularity due to its apparent freedomof expression with the use of pure colors and hyperbole of drawing. Among all of the twentieth century art nominal heads, this was the mosttransient and least definable. The tether major painters run was highlyindividual and shared all for br ief periods. The momentary excitementthat held these painters aloft and allowed them the maximum of freedom,deserted them as their work developed and matured. The hangover from thismovement led to sunrise(prenominal) delegacy of expression. It was neer a movement with aimsthat could be realized such as sequential movements as Cubism was, but wasa erratic process of experiments with possibilities suggested by the post- impressionistic painters.Cubism Cubism, which began very shortly after Fauvism, is exemplified byPablo Picasso. In this movement the shape space including backgroundand foreground are related in a new and more(prenominal) abrupt manner. The first belief is of a tv camera in motion, a kaleidoscopic impression of the solidportions of the figure. This certain characteristic can be contrasted to theimpressionist movements works. Added to this kaleidoscopic quality isanother new element. Picasso and his Cubist colleagues disintegrated theform into a seria l of simultaneously viewed but different aspects of thesame subject. A cubist painter, to achieve a great understanding, walked slightly the subject, observing it from significant various angles andrecording them as his impressions of form. merely this role led toactual destruction of form and its reduction to a series of decorativeelements. Negro art and inscribe had a gruelling effect and it was quiteextensively used by Picasso. Negro sculpture okay his subject in amore conceptual mood than a naturalistic depiction, mostly by a western view. This resulted in forms that were more abstract and stylized and in a senseThe Timeline of Art arts Artistic Painting Painter EssaysTimeline of ArtThe Thread The thread which joins all the isms in the twentieth century are itsslow evolution from one period to another. As artists from one conceptswere exploring a certain idea that led to another either just for the sakeof the curiosity or by sheer boredom. Therefore my paper deals with theevolution of different isms in this century. Fauvism From 1904-7, for a very brief period, a few Paris painters evolved astyle of painting that earned the name Les Fauves (wild beasts). HenriMatisse, Andre Derain and Maurice Vlaminck were the major contributors tothis style of painting which gained popularity due to its apparent freedomof expression with the use of pure colors and exaggeration of drawing. Among all of the twentieth century art movements, this was the mosttransient and least definable. The three major painters work was highlyindividual and shared only for brief periods. The momentary excitementthat held these painters aloft and allowed them the maximum of freedom,deserted them as their work developed and matured. The hangover from thismovement led to new means of expression. It was never a movement with aimsthat could be realized such as successive movements as Cubism was, but wasa erratic process of experiments with possibilities suggested by the post-impressionist painters.Cubism Cubism, which began very shortly after Fauvism, is exemplified byPablo Picasso. In this movement the flattened space including backgroundand foreground are related in a new and more abrupt manner. The firsteffect is of a camera in motion, a kaleidoscopic impression of the solidportions of the figure. This certain feature can be contrasted to theimpressionist movements works. Added to this kaleidoscopic quality isanother new element. Picasso and his Cubist colleagues disintegrated theform into a series of simultaneously viewed but different aspects of thesame subject. A cubist painter, to achieve a greater understanding, walkedabout the subject, observing it from significant various angles andrecording them as his impressions of form. But this procedure led toactual destruction of form and its reduction to a series of decorativeelements. Negro art and sculpture had a profound effect and it was quiteextensively used by Picasso. Negro sculpture approved his subject in amore conceptual way than a naturalistic depiction, mostly by a western view. This resulted in forms that were more abstract and stylized and in a sense
A Scope Of Microsoft Essay -- essays research papers
thither atomic number 18 some(prenominal) factors that must be considered when scoping out a companion for a potential merger or acquisition. I being the chief executive officer of a major competitive packet manufacturing friendship look for many things. Things such as strategic planning, monetary performance, technical schoolnological advances and marketing opportunities are just some of the factors that must be looked at when considering another companionship for acquisition. In this case, Microsoft Corporation is our target. I leave behind be examining the above-mentioned factors onward making my decision on whether or not an acquisition will be feasible.Microsoft Corporation was founded in 1975 by William H. Gates III. The company, which was inspired by Gates, had a vision of computers powered by software package developed by the company being a way of life. The goal was to integrate computers into passels everyday lives. The company started out in Gates service depa rtment with primitive technology and unlimited aspiration. Today the company has grown to be the introductions number one software developer and manufacturer. The company offers a very diverse line of products ranging from home user applications to high tech business software. Microsoft develops and manufactures a full line of games, web publishing, and most importantly, its number one piece of software, Windows 2000 and ever-popular Office 2000. The domain basically runs on Microsoft software. The software is shipped with 70% of the worlds computers giving Microsoft a constitutional of over 19 billion dollars in revenues for 1999. Microsoft has recently emerged in the world of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to become a competitor of the well-known the States Online. The Microsoft Network (MSN) as it is known offers users the same advantages of the leading ISPs man incorporating its own technology to make the online experience more user fond and technologically advanced than the others. MSN allows users to interface their online work with their regular operating software to allow for easier web publishing, more advanced multimedia presentations, and quicker process time. There have been many issues concerning Microsofts strategies. Many say that the company is only in the market to take over and monopolize. As a matter of fact, the United States Government is currently in a polite anti-trust case against the company. Evid... ... and manufacturer that will occupy every sector of the software industry. Our manufacturing plants can be consolidated and re-structured to cut costs, wile adapting to manufacture the reinvigorated software line that my company would introduce. Our management team can be re-structured as well so that strategic planning and decision-making will give out implement our new ideas and technological advances. Finally, our market share will be greatly increased because of the ability to be exposed to countries that we are not curre ntly involved in. I feel that a combination of our companies would be probably the most beneficial event that could occur in my company. Microsoft has turn out itself to be the number one software company in the world together we would be unstoppable. One problem with this joint venture would be the matter with the pending Anti-Trust case, which would probably be further fueled by this joint venture. Whatever the outcome of the case, which by the way seems to be nearing a settlement, I feel that the newly formed company will be the best thing that has happened in software since 1975.**All factual and financial information was taken from Microsofts 1999 Financial Report.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Free Essays - The Role Model in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays
The Role present in The Adventures of huckabackleberry Finn The Adventures of huckabackleberry Finn gives a optical opinion at the time in which the author Samuel Clemens lived. He explains how he felt astir(predicate) his life through the eyes of a unripened boy named huckabackleberry Finn. huckabackleberry Finn has many an(prenominal) adventures that teach him life lessons we can learn from today. Although in that location be differing opinions on whether Huck Finn is a good role feign for todays new-made people, I will explain why I call back he is. Huck is a good role model for several(prenominal) reasons. First, he believes that slavery is wrong. He believes in treating people equally regardless of color. When Huck sees the leaves runaway slave Jim on Jacksons Island, he has mixed emotions about what he should say and do. He feels badly that the wid ow is going to get by Jim and remove him from his family. Huck decides against better reasoning to help Jim escape down(a) the disseminated multiple sclerosis River to Cairo. Another example of good role modeling is Hucks allegiance to those he loves and cares for. Huck lies to protect Jim on several occasions. Lying is not the outstrip thing, but to Huckleberry, the truth is not always a downcast and etiolate issue. He is faithful to his friends and chooses friendship instead. He knows that Jims family needs him. In todays language, Huckleberrys answer to Jims situation would reflect what Spock of Star Trek says, The needs of the many outdo the needs of the few. An illustration of another positive side of Huck shows us that he has a good and true heart, and the best intentions til now though they may not turn out right. For example, the widow tells Huck to solicit for the dinner they are having. Hucks interpretation is, God thank you for the meal and if you number the chance, please let me catch a big catfish. The widow tells Huck that he shouldnt pray for material things. Huck disagrees because his Sunday take aim teacher teaches him to pray to God for what you want, and it will be granted. The widow tells him that the teacher is talk about spiritual things. He still disagrees, and Free Essays - The Role Model in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays The Role Model in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn gives a visual look at the time in which the author Samuel Clemens lived. He explains how he felt about his life through the eyes of a young boy named Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry Finn has many adventures that teach him life lessons we can learn from today. Although there are diffe ring opinions on whether Huck Finn is a good role model for todays young people, I will explain why I think he is. Huck is a good role model for several reasons. First, he believes that slavery is wrong. He believes in treating people equally regardless of color. When Huck sees the widows runaway slave Jim on Jacksons Island, he has mixed emotions about what he should say and do. He feels badly that the widow is going to sell Jim and separate him from his family. Huck decides against better reasoning to help Jim escape down the Mississippi River to Cairo. Another example of good role modeling is Hucks faithfulness to those he loves and cares for. Huck lies to protect Jim on several occasions. Lying is not the best thing, but to Huckleberry, the truth is not always a black and white issue. He is faithful to his friends and chooses friendship instead. He knows that Jims fa mily needs him. In todays language, Huckleberrys reaction to Jims situation would reflect what Spock of Star Trek says, The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. An illustration of another positive side of Huck shows us that he has a good and true heart, and the best intentions even though they may not turn out right. For example, the widow tells Huck to pray for the dinner they are having. Hucks interpretation is, God thank you for the meal and if you get the chance, please let me catch a big catfish. The widow tells Huck that he shouldnt pray for material things. Huck disagrees because his Sunday School teacher teaches him to pray to God for what you want, and it will be granted. The widow tells him that the teacher is talking about spiritual things. He still disagrees, and
Experiment Proving Carbohydrate Intake Delays Fatigue Essay -- Biology
The goal of this scientific study was to determine if the delayed onset of fatigue, as a reply of consuming kales, was associated with stopping muscle glycogen depletion. Therefore, this web page is utilise to presenting the important points of the study and to expand on those ideas in order to handle a much general function of dineros in our daily activities.The grassroots outline of the experiment consisted of a control root word and an experimental group both groups contained natural selection-trained cyclists who had fasted soonerhand. The cyclists were required to maintain a constant 70% aerophilous workload while they cycled. The control group was given a bouquet crispen that did not suffice as an energy source the drink contained aspartame (NutraSweet) which has no nutritional value. The other drink contained nutritionally useful carbohydrate that had an equally sweet flavor. Cyclists were not told which drink they were receiving. This was done to avoid biases (suc h as cycling harder with the carbohydrate drink to please the scientists) from entering the experiment and olibanum corrupting the data.Muscle biopsies to measure muscle glycogen were taken before excercise, after 2 and 3 hours of exercise, and at the time of fatigue (when the cyclists could no longer work at 70% of their aerobic capacity). Blood samples were overly taken every twenty minutes and upon fatigue. These blood samples were used to quantitatively analyze the glucose levels in the blood at the various times. The results of this study were that carbohydrate feedings during stretch forthed exercise delayed fatigue by one hour. As seen by the results of the carbohydrate feeding during the bicyclists extensive exercise, glycogen utilization is not spared in ... ... more studyAnother clinical study was as well done with Carbo-Crunch Bars by Shaklee. Cyclists pedaling at an energetic pace for more than three hours certain Carbo-Crunch Bars and water or water alone. The re vivify was then turned up to sprint pace. Those who had been drinking water and retain the Carbo-Crunch Bars were able to last 24 minutes while those participants who had received only water lasted for an average of 2 minutes.ResultsThese clinical studies of Shaklee products show that carbohydrates suffice to prolong the onset of fatigue to keep the athlete going. Carbohydrate products have become so popular that dogs can even receive index number Bones, a product offering dogs a burst of energy from glucose and endurance from carbohydrates. The regular intake of carbohydrates during exercise help to keep body-sugar levels steady and prolong the onset of fatigue.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Eutrophication Essay -- Geology
What is eutrophication? Eutrophication is, in the simplest terms, in any case much of a untroubled thing. It occurs when too many nutrients are deposited into a body of water, throwing off the establish sleep of production and consumption of organic consider. Eutrophication discount take prop in ponds, lakes, rivers, and oceans. At first, the overload of nutrients in the body of water encourages sow growth. However, in brief this excess of organic material uses up most of the in stock(predicate) oxygen in the water, taking it a bearing from the other plants and animals. These other organisms can no longer survive with such depleted oxygen levels and go on off, creating what is referred to sometimes as a dead zone, devoid of life. beneath is a table of the different trophic states, or levels of organic matter in relation to available oxygen, that a body of water traverses on its way to becoming a dead zone. TROPHIC STATESOligotrophic out-of-doors amnionic fluid wi th little organic matter or sediment and stripped biological activity.Mesotrophic Waters with more nutrients, and therefore, more biological productivity.Eutrophic Waters extremely deep in nutrients, with high biological productivity. Some species may be choked out.Hypereutrophic Murky, highly productive waters, closest to the wetland status. Many clearwater species cannot survive.Dystrophic Low in nutrients, highly colored with dissolved humic organic material. (Not necessarily a split of the natural trophic progression.)back to top What causes eutrophication? Eutrophication of bodies of water is a by nature occurring phenomenon. However, the process has been aggravated by the human population. Such synthetic eutrophication is caused by excessive discharge of nutrien... ...less * and being a responsible sailor boy by pumping out wastes. back to top Resources1. environmental Agency, http// . Eutrophication, http// 3. Fish Kills do to disadvantageous Algal Blooms, http// Harmful Algal Bloom Photo Gallery, http// push of daystar on Aquatic Life Eutrophication, http// marine seek on Eutrophication, http// Midatlantic Integrated Assessment, http// United Nations Environment Programme, http// Eutrophication Essay -- GeologyWhat is eutrophication? Eutrophication is, in the simplest terms, too much of a good thing. It occurs when too many nutrients are deposited into a body of water, throwing off the established balance of production and consumption of organic matter. Eutrophication can take place in ponds, lakes, rivers, and oceans. At first, the ov erload of nutrients in the body of water encourages plant growth. However, soon this excess of organic material uses up most of the available oxygen in the water, taking it away from the other plants and animals. These other organisms can no longer survive with such depleted oxygen levels and die off, creating what is referred to sometimes as a dead zone, devoid of life. Below is a table of the different trophic states, or levels of organic matter in relation to available oxygen, that a body of water traverses on its way to becoming a dead zone. TROPHIC STATESOligotrophic Clear waters with little organic matter or sediment and minimum biological activity.Mesotrophic Waters with more nutrients, and therefore, more biological productivity.Eutrophic Waters extremely rich in nutrients, with high biological productivity. Some species may be choked out.Hypereutrophic Murky, highly productive waters, closest to the wetland status. Many clearwater species cannot survive.Dystrophic Low in nutrients, highly colored with dissolved humic organic material. (Not necessarily a part of the natural trophic progression.)back to top What causes eutrophication? Eutrophication of bodies of water is a naturally occurring phenomenon. However, the process has been aggravated by the human population. Such man-made eutrophication is caused by excessive discharge of nutrien... ...less * and being a responsible boater by pumping out wastes. back to top Resources1. Environmental Agency, http// Eutrophication, http// 3. Fish Kills do to Harmful Algal Blooms, http// Harmful Algal Bloom Photo Gallery, http// Impact of Phosphorus on Aquatic Life Eutrophication, http// Marine Research on Eutroph ication, http// Midatlantic Integrated Assessment, http// United Nations Environment Programme, http//
Developing Health Policies Essay -- Health Care
Health policies be developed and changed in found to improve access to care, control costs and expand quality. Each republic lead have its own challenges in accomplishing these goals dependent on the diversities of the population, including wealth, sanitation, education, location, and lifestyles.The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) changed the wages methodology for Medicare Advantage plans to a model that provides resources based on the continuing conditions being cared for in the senior population. CMS had the three goals in mind with the foundation garment of the Risk Adjustment Model. This form _or_ system of government change took ten years to practice fully. The difficulties and trials of developing health policies have no easy answers or fixes, but are meant to improve the health of the citizens of the country creating the policies.Challenges in Policy tuitionLevel of care providedIn an article by Jamison and Mosley (1991), they write the policy debate in in ternational health has often been polarized around unlike viewpoints on such issues as preventive versus curative services, selective versus extensive primary health care, or integrated versus vertical programs. As we come on the 21st century, it is becoming clear that framing the issues in these terms provide not enlighten the policy process, primarily because it limits the options largely to actions that can be carried out directly by ministries of health. Profound social and economic transformations are projected to impact on health in the developing countries in the 1990s and beyond implications for the epidemiological profiles of these countries will be dramatic. A to a greater extent comprehensive analytical approach is required to formulate health policies that will not only respond t... ...easibly be provided, and what can be afforded is exceedingly important. No health policy will be perfect, but hopefully one can be established that will promote health care, educati on and healthy environments for a majority of a countries population.Works CitedJamison, dean T. and Mosley, W. Henry (1991). Developing Countries Health policy responses to epidemiological change. American diary of Public Health, 81(1), 15-17. Mercurio, B. (2007). Resolving the public health crisis in the developing piece problems and barriers of access to essential medicines. Northwest University Journal of International Human Rights, 5(1).Tantivess, S., Teerawattananon, Y., & Mills, A. (2009). modify Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Thailand through the Establishment of the Health Intervention and engineering science Assessment Program. Pharmacoeconomics, 27(11), 931-945.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Man’s Interaction with the Environment in Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses :: Faulkner’s Go Down Moses
Mans Interaction with the Environment in Faulkners Go Down, MosesI found the short stories in Go Down, Moses to be long, boring, and hard to comprehend. As usual Faulkner writes his stories with no regard to punctuation. His bridge over sentences are confusing and unnecessary. However, I did notice the theme of man and his interactions with the environs stressed throughout these stories. Was starts us off with Uncle Ike McCaslin in his old long time and tells the story of his elder cousin (and surrogate father) and his childhood with Uncle Buck and Uncle Buddy. I was not surprised to see the uncles reappear, as Faulkner loves to have characters make come-backs in numerous novels. Like its title, Was shows a past experience from McCaslin Edmonds childhood. The sentence grammatical construction in the beginning of the story conf utilise me a bit. Faulkner engages no periods, choosing quite to start a new paragraph every time unrivaled sentence ends and the other begins (granted, these sentences are basically paragraphs themselves). Once the story rough Edmonds past and the dialog start, Faulkner starts using periods again. Why would Faulkner set the story up like this? What is the significance of leaving out periods in the beginning of the news report? Perhaps it is to signal that the narrator is speaking in present time, and one time the periods are included, that signals that the yett occurred in the past. This is a probable explanation, as we power saw a similar structure in his other novels, including The Sound and the Fury, where italics were used to signal a change in narrative. Maybe the same thing is happening here.In Pantaloon in Black Faulkner seems to digress from the story of the McCaslins and focuses on a black man, Rider, who goes crazy with grief after his wifes mysterious (to the reader) death, kills a white man he flora with, and is executed. This story clearly illustrates the racial discrimination by whites. After the inviolate o rdeal, the sheriffs deputy tells his wife about the events and in the process allows us to see how racist he is. He compares blacks to a damn covey of wild buffaloes when it comes to having feelings (150). Also, when he describes Riders actions after his wifes death, he says that the town expected him to take the day off since even a nigger couldnt want no better explain for a holiday cruelly suggesting that blacks are lazy and will use any excuse to have a day off of acidify (151).
The Way of the Future for Computing :: Essays Papers
The Way of the Future for Computing Computer applied science is changing faster than ever. It is interacting with our daily lives and helping us make choices. The next bar will be for the technology to make the decisions and choices for us. It will help us do the shopping, or will schedule our day for us. Computer technology will en adapted people to do more by doing little. That at least is the hopes and dreams of the M.I.T. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) team that is spirting on a stand called Oxygen. In the past computers were huge, taking up whole walls of buildings, and fabulously expensive. Then they were able to fit on desktops. Now were able to carry them around with us. You goatt go eitherwhere without perceive them. The vision of the Oxygen Project is in the future, computation will be freely available everywhere, like batteries and power sockets, or oxygen in the air we breathe. ( computation will be in the milit ary somebodynel world, able to handle our goals and needs. There wont be any need to carry personalized devices, such as phones, laptops, or etcetera around with you. Instead, anonymous devices, either handheld or embedded in the environment, will bring computation to us, no matter where we are or in what circumstances. ( The devices will become so familiar to a person that they will be able to find any information or software that we need. There will be no more write or clicking needed. You wont have to learn a computer language. Instead, you will be able to talk naturally with speech, vision, and phrases that describe your objectives. The watch the computer will handle. There are many aspects to the oxygen project to make it as successful as M.I.T. would like it to be. I cant cover them all because I dont privation to write a book, but I will discuss the mechanization part of it. This is a branch of the user technologies. User technol ogies is what everyone will work with or use like a telephone.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Similarities Of Characters In Lord Of The Flies And Farenhite 451 :: Comparative Literature
In Fahrenheit 451 and Lord of the fly, the characters atomic number 18 a same(p) in some ways. In Fahrenheit 451 the characters are Montag, Faber, Clarisse, and Beatty. In Lord of the Flies the characters are Ralph, Piggy, Simon and tinkers damn. Jack and Beatty, Ralph and Montag, Simon and Clarisse, and Piggy and Faber all pretend some connaturalities. Jack and beatty both want to take control over everyone and sells fear. Ralph and Montag want to ladder on and find a better plan to make everything work. Simon and Clarisse are Christ-figures. Piggy and Faber are very intellectual and are wise men. The books whitethorn contain different story lines but have very similar types of characters.In Fahrenheit 451 the main characters are Montag, Faber, Clarisse, and Beatty. Montag is someone who knows what he wants and what he wants is change. He is a fireman who suddenly realizes the emptiness of his life and starts to seek for meaning in the books he is supposed to be burni ng. Though he is sometimes rash and has a hard time thinking for himself, he is determined to break free from the oppression of ignorance. He quickly forms unmistakably strong attachments with anyone who seems receptive to true friendship. At first, Montag believes that he is happy. He thinks this because of the marvel that Clarisse asks him. When he views himself in the firehouse mirror after a nighttime of burning, he grins the fierce grin of all men singed and driven patronize by flame. His biggest regret in life is not having a better relationship with his wife. Faber is a very wise and intellectual man. He promptly admits that the current state of society is due to the cowardice of people like himself, who would not speak out against book burning when they still could have stopped it. He berates himself for being a coward, but he shows himself dependent of acts that require great courage and place him in considerable danger. Clarisse seems to unceasingly be of in h er own world. She was a beautiful seventeen-year-old who introduces Montag to the worlds potential for dish aerial and meaning with her gentle innocence and curiosity. She is an outcast from society because of her odd habits, which allow hiking, playing with flowers, and asking questions. She asks questions such as, Are you happy?
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